Monday, April 7, 2014
Monday, March 31, 2014
Don't let circumstances deter you
I’m Writing Again
Its' been far too long since
I've written. Somehow there seems to be nothing more to say about my writing.
What can not be neglected is the fact that four books and two audio books have
already been completed and published. I am trying to convince myself that I AM
a writer and nothing or no one can alter the footprints of a writer except the
Is this nothing
more than a writer's thing, which every writer experiences at least once during
their life-span? I can't allow myself to ignore my own motivation. I have to
examine being willing to do what I'm called to be. Nothing can be allowed in my
life to deter me from my God-given path of fulfillment that awaits me. What is my desire in the midst of this
unexpected sabbatical?
When darkness
crowded my soul, I could feel writing slowly and deeply fading away from me as
though words would
come and slowly disintegrate before my eyes. I was struggling to keep hope
alive but, I could not with my own human strength. It was though a part of my
soul was dying. I struggle now as I begin again.
Disappointment and
discouragement are enemies we all battle with in careers, relationships and
other walks of life. I did not expect something I loved so much to be destined
to fall by the wayside. Yes…it seemed that words, paragraphs, chapters and more
were fading…fading….fading…..up until now.
There have been no
miraculous events to re-ignite my writing. I’m simply starting over. I have
spent a great deal
of time writing about romance and relationships. Now….let’s see where the wind
will take us. I’m going to continue to write about the things I know the most
about from life experiences and the things I have learned about as a student of
David Hammock.
Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
David Hammock's New Look as he spends more time writing. Now Brazil, Russia, China and the United Kingdom are reading me more.. Wow!

Oh yeah...people respect you more, wait on you sooner, open doors quicker for you, flirt with you bolder and chose their words more carefully when they speak but, after a just want to chill, kick back and relax. Others relax with you when you relax with yourself. I'm trying to do that better now.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Lady Antebellum - Need You Now
If she only knew. Do I really get to say this? Why not? I have a need to need her just as much as she has a need to need me. It's just suppose to work that way.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Dirty Dancing - Time of my Life (Final Dance) - High Quality
I Can Kiss You
I can kiss you with my lips
and never taste the sweetness and delicacy of your loveliness,
if I had behind my mask,
or if you will not let me see your true beauty.
I can kiss you with my eyes
and you may see the lure you hold for my heart,
but you may never know
what I feel in my heart for you.
I can kiss you with the enchanting aroma of romance,
but how will you know it to be more
than just a counterfeit?
I can kiss you with the kindness
of passionate words,
yet how will you know my words are meant
for you, and for you alone?
I can kiss you with the generosity of a man
who could buy the world for you;
but how would you know
I would want you
just for who you are,
without you feeling any obligation
to repay me for anything I have freely given?
I tell you now. Yes!
I can kiss you.
But...if that which you call passion,
which lies within you
can not see me,
can not hear me,
can not sense me,
can not touch me,
can not receive me,
you will never know that I can kiss you.
That moment in time can never be replaced.
So yes…one more time,
I can kiss you,
But...only if you know what it means to be kissed.
Copyright © 2007. David Hammock. All Rights Reserved.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Can't you see?

Can't you look beyond the surface and
See what's really there?
Don't you know I'm more than just
And attractive woman
With beautiful long blond hair?
I'm more than an enchanting face.
I know a thing or two about amazing grace.
Why don't you ask me more about who I am?
Can't you handle what's inside?
Maybe if you had the guts to really see me
Then I'd be safe and not have a need to hide.
You men are all the same....
You think it's all a game.
Some of you are missing the point.
We don't have to feel a thing called "shame".
To have shame inflicted on one whose heart is pure.
Is nothing a real woman should ever experience;
Much less continually endure.
So look at this pretty face....
Maybe for the very last time;
Remember what you missed.
It was your choice to commit the crime.
Copyright 2011. David Hammock. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, April 1, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
True Love Never Dies
In the Darkness I Still Longed for You
It’s been quite sometime now, since I began patiently waiting, yet longing, loving, and yearning for my one and only. Having continued to search for you, I have encountered the deepest of sadnesses and disappointments, that I have ever known, as I frustratingly discovered, only after inhaling one more deeper breath of hope, than the day before, “This is not the one.” Many said, “Don’t search.”….yet…I could not sit idly by and feel effortless. My pursuit for you continued, through the wilderness of loneliness and bewilderment. A day and night haunting shadowed me every waking moment.
I continued on…endlessly trodding over the mountains, plains and valleys of painful anxiety and my growing despair. Along the way, I was diverted into a place of darkness, blindly anesthetized by the possibility that you could be found someplace else, other than in the light. The darkness in my own soul so overwhelmed me, that the possibility of death was considered as a place of relief. Not realizing what had happened…my dream had been surrendered to the unknown…the face of the deep where I could do no more than attempt to fathom and remain mystified by my own private hell. I was lost….lost in my desire for you…lost in the hopelessness of being without you…lost in a desert of confusion.
Many doubtful days passed before I was able to begin to take but, humble steps out of the darkness and back into the light, although they were grueling, infrequent and painful. The journey was by no means easy. Parts of me said, “I’m not certain I can begin again.” Past experiences had dealt such severe blows, I wasn’t sure I had the faith and endurance to even take the first step. Waiting for strength beyond my own to come and rescue me, from battered emotions and troubled thoughts, became an hourly routine. It was slow. It was different-with reservation and hesitation. Yet…I knew that remaining where I was would continue to bring not life, but death.
Shortly thereafter, I began to notice a flicker of light-distant…almost too distant to even call light but, I knew it was the light…the light of hope that Divine Providence had desired to be available to me. “Come this way son. Believe only me. The truths I have given you are yours. You can keep them. I’m going to change things.” So I remembered what I was told and something new was birthed.
As I journeyed further, a bridge appeared and the light seemed to come closer to me. I realized that the road before me was the way back to myself and that it was the way back to my hopes and dreams. I knew in myself that there were a few steps further, if I would only cross the bridge. “Yes…I must do this if I am to live” (I told myself)….and suddenly…I arrived on the other side.
I have continued my journey since crossing the bridge of hope, filled with the greatest of expectations and new vibrancy. Lessons from the darkness will be sealed in my heart for another day. The wisdom from what I’ve been taught will not be forgotten.
Now…the hope to find you has returned. The wonder of my soul mate still lingers within and my heart longs once again, relentlessly…for only you. I must not quit. I can not give up. Only that which I possess which belongs to you will ever be surrendered. I always know too that you still long to surrender that which belongs to only me because, we’re soul mates meant to be. Most of all, I’m still longing to surrender my heart to you because I belong….yes…only to you. The darkness once seemed too impossible to overcome but, I never stopped longing for you. Thank God my blinded eyes have now been opened and for the reassurance that you’ve been with me all this time; you always will be.
David Hammock. Copyright © 2011. All Rights Reserved.
It’s been quite sometime now, since I began patiently waiting, yet longing, loving, and yearning for my one and only. Having continued to search for you, I have encountered the deepest of sadnesses and disappointments, that I have ever known, as I frustratingly discovered, only after inhaling one more deeper breath of hope, than the day before, “This is not the one.” Many said, “Don’t search.”….yet…I could not sit idly by and feel effortless. My pursuit for you continued, through the wilderness of loneliness and bewilderment. A day and night haunting shadowed me every waking moment.
I continued on…endlessly trodding over the mountains, plains and valleys of painful anxiety and my growing despair. Along the way, I was diverted into a place of darkness, blindly anesthetized by the possibility that you could be found someplace else, other than in the light. The darkness in my own soul so overwhelmed me, that the possibility of death was considered as a place of relief. Not realizing what had happened…my dream had been surrendered to the unknown…the face of the deep where I could do no more than attempt to fathom and remain mystified by my own private hell. I was lost….lost in my desire for you…lost in the hopelessness of being without you…lost in a desert of confusion.
Many doubtful days passed before I was able to begin to take but, humble steps out of the darkness and back into the light, although they were grueling, infrequent and painful. The journey was by no means easy. Parts of me said, “I’m not certain I can begin again.” Past experiences had dealt such severe blows, I wasn’t sure I had the faith and endurance to even take the first step. Waiting for strength beyond my own to come and rescue me, from battered emotions and troubled thoughts, became an hourly routine. It was slow. It was different-with reservation and hesitation. Yet…I knew that remaining where I was would continue to bring not life, but death.
Shortly thereafter, I began to notice a flicker of light-distant…almost too distant to even call light but, I knew it was the light…the light of hope that Divine Providence had desired to be available to me. “Come this way son. Believe only me. The truths I have given you are yours. You can keep them. I’m going to change things.” So I remembered what I was told and something new was birthed.
As I journeyed further, a bridge appeared and the light seemed to come closer to me. I realized that the road before me was the way back to myself and that it was the way back to my hopes and dreams. I knew in myself that there were a few steps further, if I would only cross the bridge. “Yes…I must do this if I am to live” (I told myself)….and suddenly…I arrived on the other side.
I have continued my journey since crossing the bridge of hope, filled with the greatest of expectations and new vibrancy. Lessons from the darkness will be sealed in my heart for another day. The wisdom from what I’ve been taught will not be forgotten.
Now…the hope to find you has returned. The wonder of my soul mate still lingers within and my heart longs once again, relentlessly…for only you. I must not quit. I can not give up. Only that which I possess which belongs to you will ever be surrendered. I always know too that you still long to surrender that which belongs to only me because, we’re soul mates meant to be. Most of all, I’m still longing to surrender my heart to you because I belong….yes…only to you. The darkness once seemed too impossible to overcome but, I never stopped longing for you. Thank God my blinded eyes have now been opened and for the reassurance that you’ve been with me all this time; you always will be.
David Hammock. Copyright © 2011. All Rights Reserved.
Canadian Singer Songwriter Marcomé
Marcome is one of the most incredible people that I know. She is brilliant in every way and surpasses most in her specialties. Not only is she a beautiful lady, she is compassionate, and unselfish. Truly...a very special friend. You'll find her throughout the web. Her music will always intrigue you and enrich your life.
Come and Take a look: what do you see?
Stare at Me
Stare into my eyes and
Tell me what you see;
Stare into my eyes;
Is it possible that there’s
A you and me?
Stare into my heart
And ask, “Is this a place,
I should ever depart?”
Stare into my heart,
For there is no other place to start.
Stare into my soul….
Put your hand into my soul.
Stare into my soul once again;
What can you behold?

Place your hands against my hands
While we sit side by side;
May we not fear to stare in silence
While our sentiments continue to abide.
Stare at my feet…
Do you know where they will walk?
Take my heart and stare with me…
Let me stare back at your feet,
While we begin our walk.
*Inspired by Heather.
David Hammock. Copyright © 2011. All Rights Reserved
Stare into my eyes and
Tell me what you see;
Stare into my eyes;
Is it possible that there’s
A you and me?
Stare into my heart
And ask, “Is this a place,
I should ever depart?”
Stare into my heart,
For there is no other place to start.
Stare into my soul….
Put your hand into my soul.
Stare into my soul once again;
What can you behold?

Place your hands against my hands
While we sit side by side;
May we not fear to stare in silence
While our sentiments continue to abide.
Stare at my feet…
Do you know where they will walk?
Take my heart and stare with me…
Let me stare back at your feet,
While we begin our walk.
*Inspired by Heather.
David Hammock. Copyright © 2011. All Rights Reserved
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
John Martinez Photography
John Martinez is one of the most outstanding photographers in the United States and is also well known around the world. He is one of the most unique people in the modeling, fashion, media and personal photography arenas. His perceptive abilities for detail, color, clarity and emotion go unmatched. John is my personal photographer and I wanted you to see his work. He is creative, diverse, patient and focused on every photo shoot. I highly recommend that you visit his website. You won't be disappointed. Whatever your photographic needs are...John will impress you like no one else. He's the greatest! Please visit: on the web. on the web.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Could You Be Happy?
Could you live with me in a cabin?
Or, maybe end each day inside my tent?
Is it Buckingham Palace you want?
Maybe a butler and a maid would make you content.
Could you be happy in Holland?
Perhaps the USA or France?
It only takes two willing hearts
That dare to begin a new song and dance.
Father said a hot plate and a soft pillow…
Would be all that it would take;
Should the cost of peace of mind take all he had?
He would forsake all, he said…
Lest there be any mistake.
Maybe you’re tempted by the bright lights
And the lure of a cosmopolitan city.
Is a quaint village that sings the songs of yester-year,
What you dream will take away discontentment and fear?
Or do you seek refuge and sanctuary,
Perhaps to gather a bit of sweet pity?
I’ve lived many life-times in this one, I feel.
With each new challenge and desire,
I sought what I believed every soul thought real.
No place, no time and no occasion,
Could ever be what was expected;
No anticipation, hope or faith
Could reveal what would later be rejected.
Time became justified.
The efforts were not in vain.
Happiness could not be limited to sunshine.
Nor could it be dismissed by rain.
I open my arms to your homecoming.
For I know you have passed over troubled waters too.
That’s how I knew that you would understand
And not question…
What I have gone through
In my quest to be with you.
So I surrender the clay of a simple potter
Molded and shaped to be happy just because;
There is no other rhythm or reason;
It is the creator’s purpose;
Making Himself happy…
It’s what He does best.
So can you be happy with an unlikely man
A man who seeks happiness in the soul?
For if so…let’s begin again
And let a new story be told.
Happiness seems a delusion to many;
To some it is completely out of fashion;
I am a man who shares what he treasures,
With a heart of relentless passion.
Passion to wake;
Passion to dine;
Passion to smile.
Passion…its very own kind.
I offer you a happy passion,
If this is what you seek.
Please open your heart to me.
Unless your heart is weak.
Once more I ask:
Could you…
Or would you be happy?
David Hammock. Copyright © 2009. All Rights Reserved.
Or, maybe end each day inside my tent?
Is it Buckingham Palace you want?
Maybe a butler and a maid would make you content.
Could you be happy in Holland?
Perhaps the USA or France?
It only takes two willing hearts
That dare to begin a new song and dance.
Father said a hot plate and a soft pillow…
Would be all that it would take;
Should the cost of peace of mind take all he had?
He would forsake all, he said…
Lest there be any mistake.
Maybe you’re tempted by the bright lights
And the lure of a cosmopolitan city.
Is a quaint village that sings the songs of yester-year,
What you dream will take away discontentment and fear?
Or do you seek refuge and sanctuary,
Perhaps to gather a bit of sweet pity?
I’ve lived many life-times in this one, I feel.
With each new challenge and desire,
I sought what I believed every soul thought real.
No place, no time and no occasion,
Could ever be what was expected;
No anticipation, hope or faith
Could reveal what would later be rejected.
Time became justified.
The efforts were not in vain.
Happiness could not be limited to sunshine.
Nor could it be dismissed by rain.
I open my arms to your homecoming.
For I know you have passed over troubled waters too.
That’s how I knew that you would understand
And not question…
What I have gone through
In my quest to be with you.
So I surrender the clay of a simple potter
Molded and shaped to be happy just because;
There is no other rhythm or reason;
It is the creator’s purpose;
Making Himself happy…
It’s what He does best.
So can you be happy with an unlikely man
A man who seeks happiness in the soul?
For if so…let’s begin again
And let a new story be told.
Happiness seems a delusion to many;
To some it is completely out of fashion;
I am a man who shares what he treasures,
With a heart of relentless passion.
Passion to wake;
Passion to dine;
Passion to smile.
Passion…its very own kind.
I offer you a happy passion,
If this is what you seek.
Please open your heart to me.
Unless your heart is weak.
Once more I ask:
Could you…
Or would you be happy?
David Hammock. Copyright © 2009. All Rights Reserved.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Devoted Atheists Grow in Number
ABC News
Devoted Atheists Grow in Numbers, Goals
Faithless Looking to Give and Receive Community Support
July 19, 2009--
Valerie Celeste Coffey is a woman on a mission. For six years, her small group of local atheists has gathered to exchange bemused stories about the things Christians do in worship and swap tips for raising confident skeptics.
But on a recent Wednesday evening here at the Java Room cafe, Ms. Coffey said the time had come to take the meetings in hand.
"I don't think this group has a vision," said Coffey, a freelance editor who lives in nearby Boxborough, Mass. "We need to figure out what our values are."
Ten days later, something unprecedented happened: The group met over Sunday brunch for a structured discussion with preplanned topics.
The ranks of nonbelievers are on the rise, research suggests, and as they seek out each other online and in small groups, they are increasingly looking to do more than just vent.
Some are adopting rituals themselves, from de-baptisms to wedding ceremonies, as a way to cement ties among members. Others are organizing science-related outings or enrolling in community-service programs. Nationwide, atheists' groups are now treading, sometimes gingerly, into unfamiliar territory.
"This is the transition moment right now," says Dale McGowan, author of "Parenting Beyond Belief: On Raising Ethical, Caring Kids Without Religion." "Some groups are really diving in [to foster a robust sense of community], and some of them are holding their noses and standing on the diving board. They're not quite sure what to do."
Some 15 percent of Americans claim no religious affiliation, up from 8.2 percent in 1990, according to Trinity College's American Religious Identification Survey, released in March. Also, the American Humanist Association claims 20,000 financial supporters. That marks a doubling from five years ago, says spokeswoman Karen Frantz.
Moreover, signs point to non-believers seeking fellowship as never before. During the first five months of 2009, 95 new atheist groups have formed through, bringing the US total to 372. That's up from 59 in 2005, says Blair Scott, director of national affiliates for American Atheists, a networking and advocacy organization. Known parenting groups for nonbelievers have proliferated from just one in 2005 to 33 in 2009, adds Mr. McGowan, the author.
The intersection of the two trends is evident across the United States. For example, the North Alabama Freethought Association, which has grown from 50 members in 2006 to 350 today, drew 30 people to a camping event in May and runs regular outings to visit caves or other science-related sites.
"It used to be that these atheist groups ... met almost in hiding," says American Atheists spokesman David Silverman. "Now they're doing a lot more stands at town parties, a lot more trash pickups, a lot more blood donations -- a lot more stuff that gets their group out and noticed."
Some say such initiatives are necessary to improve an image problem. Rebecca Grieve founded South Lake Atheists and Freethinkers in Groveland, Fla., last year because she felt the nearby atheist group in Orlando "wasn't doing enough in the community." Through an Adopt-A-Lake project, the new group monitors a section of Lake Minneola and promotes its efforts on a big sign at Clermont Waterfront Park.
"A lot of atheist groups are really negative," says Ms. Grieve, who now lives in Derry, N.H., and describes herself as a secular humanist. "They're not standing for anything. They're not making a difference.... I want to be accepted just like everybody else. We need to be showing people through example that we're decent people."
For some, however, the status quo suits just fine. Of the monthly Atheists of Greater Lowell (Mass.) gatherings, where no one convenes or adjourns the group, Paul Ratner of Lowell says: "I like this group as it is now."
Rob Butler of Westford. Mass., agrees: "I love coming here because I can just say whatever's on my mind, and people won't be offended by it."
In some ways, the lack of structure or ritual has been a defining characteristic of atheist groups. McGowan notes that many atheists bristle at ritual because it feels too religious or superstitious. American Atheists' Mr. Silverman insists, "there are no rituals with us."
But America's 27 Ethical Societies, which attract many nontheist attendees to their humanist "platforms," or services, see growing interest in rituals, ranging from children's education to weddings, according to membership chairman Thomas Hoeppner. Through ritual, "you build up not just common intellectual values, but the emotional and personal connection with people," says Mr. Hoeppner, a member of the Ethical Humanist Society of Chicago. "That's what it's all about."
"So when one of my dear friends in his 80s lost his wife, he'd be over at our house every Sunday afternoon for dinner," he says. "That's a ritual for us."
In Florida, atheists are pioneering a new ritual: de-baptism. Since last year, American Atheists' Florida state director Greg McDowell has been donning a mock clerical robe and officiating at services where family and friends come to watch the baptized renounce their baptisms.
The events spoof baptisms by using blow-dryers in the place of baptismal waters. They culminate in certificates for the "de-baptized" and letters to churches requesting that the names of those de-baptized be removed from baptismal rolls.
Elsewhere, ties that bind the faithless continue to grow stronger, even without ritual per se. After one member of the North Alabama Free Thought Association was robbed earlier this year, fellow members collected a few hundred dollars to see him through to payday. And when another was injured in a motorcycle accident, atheists brought meals every day for him and his caretakers.
"It makes me sit back and smile to know that this community has built itself up in a way that they're looking out for each other, watching each other's backs, and supporting each other," says Mr. Scott, who founded the Alabama group six years ago. "It almost makes me feel fatherly -- like you raised your child right."
Copyright © 2009 ABC News Internet Ventures
Devoted Atheists Grow in Numbers, Goals
Faithless Looking to Give and Receive Community Support
July 19, 2009--
Valerie Celeste Coffey is a woman on a mission. For six years, her small group of local atheists has gathered to exchange bemused stories about the things Christians do in worship and swap tips for raising confident skeptics.
But on a recent Wednesday evening here at the Java Room cafe, Ms. Coffey said the time had come to take the meetings in hand.
"I don't think this group has a vision," said Coffey, a freelance editor who lives in nearby Boxborough, Mass. "We need to figure out what our values are."
Ten days later, something unprecedented happened: The group met over Sunday brunch for a structured discussion with preplanned topics.
The ranks of nonbelievers are on the rise, research suggests, and as they seek out each other online and in small groups, they are increasingly looking to do more than just vent.
Some are adopting rituals themselves, from de-baptisms to wedding ceremonies, as a way to cement ties among members. Others are organizing science-related outings or enrolling in community-service programs. Nationwide, atheists' groups are now treading, sometimes gingerly, into unfamiliar territory.
"This is the transition moment right now," says Dale McGowan, author of "Parenting Beyond Belief: On Raising Ethical, Caring Kids Without Religion." "Some groups are really diving in [to foster a robust sense of community], and some of them are holding their noses and standing on the diving board. They're not quite sure what to do."
Some 15 percent of Americans claim no religious affiliation, up from 8.2 percent in 1990, according to Trinity College's American Religious Identification Survey, released in March. Also, the American Humanist Association claims 20,000 financial supporters. That marks a doubling from five years ago, says spokeswoman Karen Frantz.
Moreover, signs point to non-believers seeking fellowship as never before. During the first five months of 2009, 95 new atheist groups have formed through, bringing the US total to 372. That's up from 59 in 2005, says Blair Scott, director of national affiliates for American Atheists, a networking and advocacy organization. Known parenting groups for nonbelievers have proliferated from just one in 2005 to 33 in 2009, adds Mr. McGowan, the author.
The intersection of the two trends is evident across the United States. For example, the North Alabama Freethought Association, which has grown from 50 members in 2006 to 350 today, drew 30 people to a camping event in May and runs regular outings to visit caves or other science-related sites.
"It used to be that these atheist groups ... met almost in hiding," says American Atheists spokesman David Silverman. "Now they're doing a lot more stands at town parties, a lot more trash pickups, a lot more blood donations -- a lot more stuff that gets their group out and noticed."
Some say such initiatives are necessary to improve an image problem. Rebecca Grieve founded South Lake Atheists and Freethinkers in Groveland, Fla., last year because she felt the nearby atheist group in Orlando "wasn't doing enough in the community." Through an Adopt-A-Lake project, the new group monitors a section of Lake Minneola and promotes its efforts on a big sign at Clermont Waterfront Park.
"A lot of atheist groups are really negative," says Ms. Grieve, who now lives in Derry, N.H., and describes herself as a secular humanist. "They're not standing for anything. They're not making a difference.... I want to be accepted just like everybody else. We need to be showing people through example that we're decent people."
For some, however, the status quo suits just fine. Of the monthly Atheists of Greater Lowell (Mass.) gatherings, where no one convenes or adjourns the group, Paul Ratner of Lowell says: "I like this group as it is now."
Rob Butler of Westford. Mass., agrees: "I love coming here because I can just say whatever's on my mind, and people won't be offended by it."
In some ways, the lack of structure or ritual has been a defining characteristic of atheist groups. McGowan notes that many atheists bristle at ritual because it feels too religious or superstitious. American Atheists' Mr. Silverman insists, "there are no rituals with us."
But America's 27 Ethical Societies, which attract many nontheist attendees to their humanist "platforms," or services, see growing interest in rituals, ranging from children's education to weddings, according to membership chairman Thomas Hoeppner. Through ritual, "you build up not just common intellectual values, but the emotional and personal connection with people," says Mr. Hoeppner, a member of the Ethical Humanist Society of Chicago. "That's what it's all about."
"So when one of my dear friends in his 80s lost his wife, he'd be over at our house every Sunday afternoon for dinner," he says. "That's a ritual for us."
In Florida, atheists are pioneering a new ritual: de-baptism. Since last year, American Atheists' Florida state director Greg McDowell has been donning a mock clerical robe and officiating at services where family and friends come to watch the baptized renounce their baptisms.
The events spoof baptisms by using blow-dryers in the place of baptismal waters. They culminate in certificates for the "de-baptized" and letters to churches requesting that the names of those de-baptized be removed from baptismal rolls.
Elsewhere, ties that bind the faithless continue to grow stronger, even without ritual per se. After one member of the North Alabama Free Thought Association was robbed earlier this year, fellow members collected a few hundred dollars to see him through to payday. And when another was injured in a motorcycle accident, atheists brought meals every day for him and his caretakers.
"It makes me sit back and smile to know that this community has built itself up in a way that they're looking out for each other, watching each other's backs, and supporting each other," says Mr. Scott, who founded the Alabama group six years ago. "It almost makes me feel fatherly -- like you raised your child right."
Copyright © 2009 ABC News Internet Ventures
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I Never Stopped Longing
Since the days I knew you existed in my dreams and in my hopes and in the deepest longings of my heart, I never stopped longing for you. When I could not see you…I knew you were there. When I could not hear your voice…I knew it was a gentle whisper and a vibrant call unto my soul. When I could not touch you, I knew your softness would cause my spirit to quiver and be filled with all that can be true about passion. I believed that you were real even before I was completely convinced, no matter what anyone else thought or considered scornful.
Then the day arrived when you placed your hands on my heart and looked into my eyes to see if I was real and you found me to be true to my word. The day was filled with beauty and I treasured every moment of our new beginning. Then suddenly I could not be without you any longer and called your name and you came to me. “Soul mate,” I called…. and you were there.
We had so much to learn about each other. We had so many thoughts to share, so many feelings to explore, so many things to do and say with one another. All I knew is that I wanted you like no other. I was willing to fight for you if there was a battlefield. There was a so much to learn about your heart. So many experiences we both had were similar and yet, others were different. Our paths had taken us across the world until now.
Where would we go? What would we do? What paths would lie before us? What was next? There were so many questions and I wanted so many answers. Now…I realize…..I wanted so much, that perhaps I was overwhelming…even to my soul mate and didn’t understand why.
Despite what I believed, dreamed and hoped for, no two souls are exactly alike. I tried to weave a pattern so quickly between us that you barely had time to comprehend my stitches. Maybe you even felt lost and I didn’t know it, amidst the continual busyness of my mind, my will, and my invigorated spirit that I was too blind to see what was happening before my very eyes.
I wanted everything to be right. I wanted nothing to go wrong. I wanted to know we could overcome any obstacle we would ever face with God’s strength, grace and wisdom. My passion for you and us, only grew stronger and more intense day by day. I never tired of you. The sight of you, the smell of you, the hope of you, the yearning for you, and the dream of you was my breath from day to day. I felt that nothing could stop you and I from being you and I. And yet…….you are gone.
I’ve grieved for more days than I can remember. I have so many questions that remain unanswered. I have so many tears that still stain my heart and there is no way they can be removed. Where did my soul mate go? How can she be gone? At times I’ve been in denial. There are days that I hope you will suddenly appear before me and never again will I experience your painful absence in this way yet….I know it is not so. I count the days on the calendar since you walked out of my life, hoping time will heal. But it has not.
So once again, I am longing for the wonder of my soul mate. I know that throughout the earth which God has created, He has prepared “ONE” just for me. I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine. Come home my beloved….come home. I cannot stop longing for you until you do. I know that my Creator still has plans…and they are good. Hope deferred has made my heart sick. Come home to me my princess…come home.
David Hammock. Copyright © 2009. All Rights Reserved.
Then the day arrived when you placed your hands on my heart and looked into my eyes to see if I was real and you found me to be true to my word. The day was filled with beauty and I treasured every moment of our new beginning. Then suddenly I could not be without you any longer and called your name and you came to me. “Soul mate,” I called…. and you were there.
We had so much to learn about each other. We had so many thoughts to share, so many feelings to explore, so many things to do and say with one another. All I knew is that I wanted you like no other. I was willing to fight for you if there was a battlefield. There was a so much to learn about your heart. So many experiences we both had were similar and yet, others were different. Our paths had taken us across the world until now.
Where would we go? What would we do? What paths would lie before us? What was next? There were so many questions and I wanted so many answers. Now…I realize…..I wanted so much, that perhaps I was overwhelming…even to my soul mate and didn’t understand why.
Despite what I believed, dreamed and hoped for, no two souls are exactly alike. I tried to weave a pattern so quickly between us that you barely had time to comprehend my stitches. Maybe you even felt lost and I didn’t know it, amidst the continual busyness of my mind, my will, and my invigorated spirit that I was too blind to see what was happening before my very eyes.
I wanted everything to be right. I wanted nothing to go wrong. I wanted to know we could overcome any obstacle we would ever face with God’s strength, grace and wisdom. My passion for you and us, only grew stronger and more intense day by day. I never tired of you. The sight of you, the smell of you, the hope of you, the yearning for you, and the dream of you was my breath from day to day. I felt that nothing could stop you and I from being you and I. And yet…….you are gone.
I’ve grieved for more days than I can remember. I have so many questions that remain unanswered. I have so many tears that still stain my heart and there is no way they can be removed. Where did my soul mate go? How can she be gone? At times I’ve been in denial. There are days that I hope you will suddenly appear before me and never again will I experience your painful absence in this way yet….I know it is not so. I count the days on the calendar since you walked out of my life, hoping time will heal. But it has not.
So once again, I am longing for the wonder of my soul mate. I know that throughout the earth which God has created, He has prepared “ONE” just for me. I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine. Come home my beloved….come home. I cannot stop longing for you until you do. I know that my Creator still has plans…and they are good. Hope deferred has made my heart sick. Come home to me my princess…come home.
David Hammock. Copyright © 2009. All Rights Reserved.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I Wonder???
Does she think my heart is soft?
Or does she think I’m a man that’s hard?
“Maybe he’s just not able to understand,” she says.
Or, “have his emotions begun to retard?”
At times I think she says, “Yes.”
When in reality she’s really saying, “No.”
I wonder… what went wrong I ask?
Then it seems my judgment is the foe.
Each and every day I wonder,
If she understands what I say and feel;
I tell her I love her always,
But does she always believe it’s real?
My eyes see only her,
Only her and no other;
I wonder if she knows
Where my soul’s eyes live,
And also…
It’s the home of my lover.
She knows of my deep passion for her.
Truly I see it within her eyes.
Even when I say and do the wrong things,
Like those occasional mess-ups of mine.
That cause my Baby pain.
And then my Baby cries.
Does she know I’d pay any price
With the equity of heaven’s bank?
Or at times maybe she thinks,
“He’s taking the easy road.”
Is that why sometimes I see a blank?
God I wonder if she knows,
My heart is always bleeding;
It’s a never ending desire for her heart,
That my soul is craving and needing.
Does she know I love her always
Even when it doesn’t feel like love?
Lord you know I’m depending on you
For strength that comes only from above.
Most of all I wonder…
Does she believe she’s heaven’s best?
If I fail in any way to demonstrate Lord,
Tell her for me…
“David says you’re better than all the rest.”
I may not do everything right.
I probably do a lot of things wrong.
But this one thing, I know for sure,
Being with you has begun to make me strong.
So on this day as I remember,
The anniversary date of when we said I love you;
I want you to never wonder,
If stopping loving you is something
I’ll ever do.
I’ve purposed in my heart
Ever since I recognized the promise of God;
That wherever I go you will go too;
We will press forward with amazing grace
And God’s loving arms will carry us through.
David Hammock. Copyright © 2009. All Rights Reserved.
Or does she think I’m a man that’s hard?
“Maybe he’s just not able to understand,” she says.
Or, “have his emotions begun to retard?”
At times I think she says, “Yes.”
When in reality she’s really saying, “No.”
I wonder… what went wrong I ask?
Then it seems my judgment is the foe.
Each and every day I wonder,
If she understands what I say and feel;
I tell her I love her always,
But does she always believe it’s real?
My eyes see only her,
Only her and no other;
I wonder if she knows
Where my soul’s eyes live,
And also…
It’s the home of my lover.
She knows of my deep passion for her.
Truly I see it within her eyes.
Even when I say and do the wrong things,
Like those occasional mess-ups of mine.
That cause my Baby pain.
And then my Baby cries.
Does she know I’d pay any price
With the equity of heaven’s bank?
Or at times maybe she thinks,
“He’s taking the easy road.”
Is that why sometimes I see a blank?
God I wonder if she knows,
My heart is always bleeding;
It’s a never ending desire for her heart,
That my soul is craving and needing.
Does she know I love her always
Even when it doesn’t feel like love?
Lord you know I’m depending on you
For strength that comes only from above.
Most of all I wonder…
Does she believe she’s heaven’s best?
If I fail in any way to demonstrate Lord,
Tell her for me…
“David says you’re better than all the rest.”
I may not do everything right.
I probably do a lot of things wrong.
But this one thing, I know for sure,
Being with you has begun to make me strong.
So on this day as I remember,
The anniversary date of when we said I love you;
I want you to never wonder,
If stopping loving you is something
I’ll ever do.
I’ve purposed in my heart
Ever since I recognized the promise of God;
That wherever I go you will go too;
We will press forward with amazing grace
And God’s loving arms will carry us through.
David Hammock. Copyright © 2009. All Rights Reserved.
Friday, March 20, 2009
A Lot of Times...I Just Don't Know
At times I don’t know what you think.
At others I don’t know what you feel;
My heart aches and yearns,
While it wants to know,
Is this moment one that’s surreal?
Does she know how much I really want to know her,
In the deepest most possible way?
Does she know her very presence
Consumes the desires of my day?
At times I don’t know if she knows how much I think of her…
Every desire, every thought, every hope, dream and passion;
At times I just don’t know if she thinks of me this way,
Or am I a man that’s really out of fashion?
My longing is always there,
Even when she does not speak;
My will is always seeking,
Not for a momentary glimpse…
But for her soul’s transparent revealing.
I cannot make her give me,
What she already knows I want and need;
I can only hope and pray
That her hidden passion wants to heed.
For you see…
There will be many more times
That I shall never know
All that she has within;
Unless she shares,
With fearless care
All that I just don’t know.
Copyright © 2009. David Hammock. All Rights Reserved.
At others I don’t know what you feel;
My heart aches and yearns,
While it wants to know,
Is this moment one that’s surreal?
Does she know how much I really want to know her,
In the deepest most possible way?
Does she know her very presence
Consumes the desires of my day?
At times I don’t know if she knows how much I think of her…
Every desire, every thought, every hope, dream and passion;
At times I just don’t know if she thinks of me this way,
Or am I a man that’s really out of fashion?
My longing is always there,
Even when she does not speak;
My will is always seeking,
Not for a momentary glimpse…
But for her soul’s transparent revealing.
I cannot make her give me,
What she already knows I want and need;
I can only hope and pray
That her hidden passion wants to heed.
For you see…
There will be many more times
That I shall never know
All that she has within;
Unless she shares,
With fearless care
All that I just don’t know.
Copyright © 2009. David Hammock. All Rights Reserved.
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